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Prof Dr Marinko Žuvela


DR Marinko Žuvela (Dr. Med. Sci), Full Professor

Prof. Dr Marinko Žuvela (1956, Subotica, Serbia)  follows  the latest surgical techniques in his practice with or without prosthetic implants for all tpes of front abdominal wall hernias (groin inguinal and phemoral, umbillical, epigastric, incisional and spigelian). Following the European Hernia Association recommendation,  most procedures are performed in local anesthesia in ambulatory surgery conditions. Larger henrias are treated by Rives sublay technique or other component separation techniques in full anesthesia. He has specialiyed in  treatment of most complex post-operative complications such as chronic pain, mesh infection or multiple hernia recidivism.



1975-1981. School of Medicine, Belgrade University. GPA: 8.73/10.00

Professional career:

1981-1982: Internship

1984: I Surgery Clinic, Clinical Center of Serbia (position: resident doctor in surgery)

1988: Residency Exam in Surgery

1988- : Clinical Center of Serbia (position: specialist surgeon with expertise in hepathobiliopancreatic surgery and ambulatory surgery of  front abdominal wall hernias).

1994: School of Medicine, Belgrade University, Department of Surgery (position: Teacher Assistant)

2000: School of Medicine, Belgrade University, Department of Surgery (Position: Assistant Professor)

2000: Professional training at the University Hospital in Reims, France (Prof. Dr. Jean Bernard Flament)

2009: School of Medicine, Belgrade University, Department of Surgery (Position: Associate Professor)

2014: School of Medicine, Belgrade University, Department of Surgery (Position: Full Professor)




Scientific profile

1992: School of Medicine, Belgrade University, Department of Surgery. Defended Master thesis

Distribution of Lymphogenic Methastasis in Antral Stomach Carcinoma

1998: School of Medicine, Belgrade University, Department of Surgery. Defended Doctoral Dissertation titled Surgical Procedure Choices in Cystic Echinococosis of Liver.

2005:  School of Medicine, Belgrade University, Department of Surgery. Defended surgical specialist thesis  Modified Rives Technique in Groin Hernia Treatment thus obtaining a position of  a specialist surgeon.

2008-2009: Vice- President of Serbian Hernilogist Association

2011- : President of Serbian Hernilogist Association


Service to Profession:

Organized and lectured at the following work-shops in the field of hernia surgery :

2004:  Groin Hernias , Bar, Montenegro.

2005: Incisional Hernias,  Pančevo, Serbia.

2008: Incisional Hernias Požarevac, Serbia; Ambulatory Surgery of Hernia,  Belgrade; Hernia day, Sarajevo, BiH.

2009: Dilemmas and Complications in hernia Surgery, Beograd, Serbia.

2014: Ambulatory Surgery of Abdominal Wall Hernias,  Arandjelovac, Serbia; Day surgery: make it happen, Belgrade, Serbia, 14-15. November; Contemporary Hernia Surgery, Kotor, Montenegro.



Contemporary Approach to Incisional Hernia Treatment, School of Medicine, University of Niš (2005)

Contemporary Approach to Incisional Hernia Treatment, School of Medicine, University of Novi Sad  (2007)

Contemporary Approach to Inguinal Hernia Treatment, School of Medicine, University of Novi Sad (2008)

Contemporary Approach to Incisional Hernia Treatment, School of Medicine, University of Novi Sad (2008)

Ambulatory Hernia Surgery, School of Medicine, University of Novi Sad (2009)

Ambulatory Surgery in Abdominal Surgery, Academy of medical Science, Serbian Medical Society, Belgrade, (2006)

Mini-invasive Procedures in Surgery, Academy of medical Science, Serbian Medical Society, Belgrade, (2012)

Postgraduate course Adriatic Conference for Endoscopic Surgery Dubrovnik, Croatia (2009)

Symposium Adriatic Conference for Endoscopic Surgery Dubrovnik, Croatia (2009)

Post-graduate course for continuous education of first-class surgeons “Contemporary Suergery of Abdominal Wall Hernias”, University Josip Juraj Štrosmajer, School of Medicine, Osijek, Croatia (2010).


Congresses and Conferences:

  • Participated at the following EHC Congresses with presentations:

26th International Congress of European Hernia Association in Prague (2004)

27th International Congress of European Hernia Association in Turin (2005)

29th  International Congress of European Hernia Association in Athens (2007),

30th International Congress European Hernia Association in Seville (2008),

32nd International Congress of European Hernia Association in Istanbul (2010),

33rd International Congress of   European Hernia Association  in Ghent (2011)

35th International European Hernia Association in Gdansk (2013)

36th International Congress of European Hernia Association in Edinburgh (2014).


  • Other conferences and congresses:

2005: I Congress of Serbian Herniologists Niš, Serbia.

2006: Prima Conferinta de Chirurgie Romano-Sarba Turnu Severin.

2007:  2nd Serbian-Romanian Surgical Conference Kladovo, Serbia.

2007:  7th Congress of Croatian Association of Digestive Surgery Opatija-Rijeka, Croatia.

2008: 3rd Romanian-Serbian Surgical Conference Krajova 2008., Romanian National Surgery Congress Konstanca, Romania.

2009: 4thSerbian-Romanian Surgical Conference Zrenjanin, Serbia.

2009: Rotterdam Interactive Congress (RICH) & Peritoneum and Surgery Society (PnS) Rotterdam, Holland.

2010: Symposium Diagnosis and Treatment of Abdominal Hernias, Temisoara, Romania.

2010: VI Congress of Hungarian Association for Ambulatory Surgery & Regional Meeting of the Group for Ambulatory Surgery in East and Central Europe, Budapest, Hungary.

2010: I Congress of Serbian Herniologists Niš, Serbia.

2010: 5th Romanina-Serbian Surgical Conference,  Temisoara, Romania.

2012:  6thMeeting of International Endohernia Society Begrade, Serbia.

2013: 10th International Congress of the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS), Budapest, Hungary.

2013: 10th Congress of European-African Hepato Biliary Association,  Beograd, Serbia.

2013: 10th Congress of Croatian Association of Digestive Surgery,  Opatija-Rijeka, Croatia.



Papers in Current Contents (CC) or  Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Publications:

  1. Žuvela M, Antić A, Bajec Dj, Radenković D, Petrović M, Galun D, Palibrk I, Djurić A, Stojković M, Milovanović J, Milovanović A, Šaranović Dj, Artiko V, Šobić D, Obradović V. Diagnosis of mesh infection after abdominal wall hernia surgery – role of radionuclide methods. Hepato-Gastroenetrology 2011; 58:1-6.
  1. Žuvela M, Krivokapić Z, Galun D, Marković V. Rare late mesh complications following inguinal prolene hernia system hernioplasty: report of three cases. Surg Today 2012;42(12):1253.
  1. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Djurić-Stefanović A, Bulajić P, Palibrk I. Spigelian hernia repair as a day-case procedure. Hernia 2013 Aug; 17 (4):483-6.
  1. Žuvela M, Galun D, Djurić-Stefanović A, Palibrk I, Petrović M, Milićević M. Central rupture and bulging of low-weight polypropylene mesh following recurrent incisional sublay hernioplasty.Hernia 2014 Feb;18 (1):138-40.

Later, short note  CC or SCI indexed publications:

  1. Žuvela M, Antić A, Milorad Petrović M, Kerkez  M, Aleksandar Milovanović A, Obradović V. 99mTc-antigranulocyte antibody scintiscan versus computed tomography and ultrasound in the detection of silent mesh infection of the abdominal wall. Hell J Nucl Med 2011 May-Aug;14(2):181-183.

Publications in  MEDLINE listed journals:

  1. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Lekić N, Ražnatović Z, Palibrk I, Bulajić P, Petrović M, Basarić D, Galun D.Rivesova tehnika (Direktan ingvinalni pristup) u rešavanju velikih ingvinoskrotalnih i recidivantnih kila. Acta Chir Iugosl 2003;50(2):37-48.
  1. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulajić P, Ražnatović Z,  Lekić N, Basarić D,  Palibrk I, Petrović M.Modifikovana Rivesova tehnika u tretmanu recidivantnih ingvinalnih kila. Acta Chir Iugosl 2003;50(4):53-67.
  1. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Lekić N, Basarić D, Tomić D, Petrović M, Palibrk I.  Infekcija u hirurgiji kila. Acta Chir Iugosl 2005;52(1):9-26.
  1. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Ražnatović Z, Basarić D, Radak V, Palibrk I, Barović S, Petrović M. Ambulantna hirurgija umbilikalnih, epigastričnih i malih incizionih kila: otvorena preperitonealna »flat mesh tehnika« u lokalnoj anesteziji. Acta Chir Iugosl 2006;53(1):29-34.
  1. Djurić-Stefanović A, Šaranović D, Ivanović A, Mašulović D, Žuvela M, Bjelović M, Peško P. The accuracy of ultrasonography in classification of groin hernias according to the criteria of the unified classification system. Hernia 2008;12:395-400.
  1. Žuvela MThe modified Lichtenstein technique for complex inguinal hernia repair – How I do it. Acta Chir Iugosl 2011; 58(1):15-28.


Papers published in  proceedings from national conferences:

  1. Žuvela MInfekcija proteze u hirurgiji incizionih kila. Savremeni pristup operativnom lečenju incizionih kila 2. Novi Sad, 30.05.2007:149-177.
  1. Žuvela MKompleksna preponska kila – modifikovana Rivesova tehnika. Savremeni pristup operativnom lečenju ingvinalnih kila 3. Novi Sad, April 2008:177-198.
  1. Žuvela M. Hirurgija umbilikalnih i epigastričnih kila. Savremeni pristup operativnom lečenju incizionih kila 3. Novi Sad, May 2008:112-147.
  1. Žuvela M. Operativne tehnike u lečenju umbilikalnih i epigastričnih kila. Ambulantna hirurgija kila. Novi Sad, October 2009:89-111.


Abstracts published in proceedings from International conferences:

  1. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Bulajić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Galun D. Modified Rives technique in the management of recurrent inguinal hernias.    26th International Congress of the European Hernia Society – Hernia recurrence, Prague, 29.April – 1.May 2004. Book of Abstracts 2004(Suppl): P160.
  2. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Petrović M. The modified Rives technique in the management of giant inguinoscrotal and recurrent inguinal hernias. International Confenenze United by the Sea, Chieti – Pescara, 19-21 May 2005. Book of abstracts.
  3. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Petrović M. The modified Rives tehnique in the management of giant inguinoscrotal hernias (Video). International Surgical Week –ISW 2005, Durban, 21-25 August 2005, Book of abstracts.
  4. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Petrović M. The modified Rives technique in the management of complex inguinal hernias. International Surgical Week –ISW 2005, Durban, 21-25 August 2005, Book of abstracts.
  5. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Petrović M. The modified Rives technique in the management of complex inguinal hernias. 27 th International Congress of the European Hernia society, Turin, Italy, 1-3 Decembre 2005, Abstract Book, Hernia 2005;9(special issue):SI61-SI62.
  6. Milićević M, Žuvela M, Galun D, Ražnatović Z, Bulajić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Petrović M Palibrk I. Rives technique (sublay) in the management of major incisional hernias. 27 th International Congress of the European Hernia society, Turin, Italy, 1-3 December 2005, Abstract Book, Hernia 2005;9(special issue):SI54.
  7. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Petrović M. Open preperitoneal mesh technique in the management of the umbilical, epigastric and small incisional hernias. 27 th International Congress of the European Hernia society, Turin, Italy, 1-3 Decembar 2005, Abstract Book, Hernia 2005;9(special issue):SI41-SI42.
  8. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulalić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S. Open preperitoneal flat mesh repair of umbilical, epigastric and small incisional hernias as a day case using local anaesthesia. Prima conferentia Romano-Serba de chirurgie. Clasic si modern in chirurgia generala, Drobeta Turnu-Severin 17-19 November 2006, Rezumate:10-11.
  9. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulalić P, Raznatović Z, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I. Giant recurrent inguino-scrotal hernia – a modified Rives technique performed through the direct inguinal approach id the tehnique of choice. 29 th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Athens, Greece, 6-9 May 2007, Abstract Book : 44(20).
  10. Galun D, Milićević M, Bulalić P, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Žuvela MDay case surgery for groin hernia – the Lichtenstein technique in local anesthesia.  29 th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Athens, Greece, 6-9 May 2007, Abstract Book :45(21).
  11. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulalić P, Raznatović Z, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I. Day case surgery of umbilical, epigastric and small incisional hernias – open preperitoneal flat mesh repair under local anesthesia. 29 th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Athens, Greece, 6-9 May 2007, Abstract Book :111(P84).
  12. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulalić P, Raznatović Z, Lekić N, Basarić D, Barović S, Palibrk I. Mayor incisional abdominal wall defects with infection – is the componenets separation technique by Ramirez a solution? 29 th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Athens, Greece, 6-9 May 2007, Abstract Book : 111(P85).
  13. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulalić P, Raznatović Z, Lekić N, Basarić D, Barović S, Palibrk I. Mayor incisional abdominal wall defects with infection – is the componenets separation technique by Ramirez a solution? 29 th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Athens, Greece, 6-9 May 2007, Abstract Book : 111(P85).
  14. Galun D, Milićević M, Bulalić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Žuvela MDa li je sublay tehnika metoda izbora u rješavanju velikih incizionih kila bilo koje lokalizacije? 7 Kongres Hrvatskog društva za digestivnu kirurgiju, Opatija/Rijeka, 16-19 May 2007, Knjiga sažetaka :119.
  15. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Raznatović Z, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Djurić T, Milanović A. Što sa kompleksnim preponskim kilama – da li je modificirana Rivesova tehnika rješenje? 7 Kongres Hrvatskog društva za digestivnu kirurgiju, Opatija/Rijeka, 16-19 May 2007, Knjiga sažetaka :103.
  16. Galun D, Milićević M, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S, Žuvela MAmbulantna kirurgija preponskih kila – Lichtenstein tehnika u lokalnoj anesteziji. 7 Kongres Hrvatskog društva za digestivnu kirurgiju, Opatija/Rijeka, 16-19 May 2007, Knjiga sažetaka :96.
  17. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulalić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S. Jednodnevna kirurgija umbilikalnih, epigastričnih i malih incizionih kila – otvorena preperitonealna flat mesh tehnika u lokalnoj anesteziji. 7 Kongres Hrvatskog društva za digestivnu kirurgiju, Opatija/Rijeka, 16-19 May 2007, Knjiga sažetaka :160.
  18. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Basarić D, Raznatović Z, Barović S, Palibrk I. Kako rješiti veliki kontaminirani defekt trbušnog zida – da li je Ramirezova tehnika komponentne separacije? 7 Kongres Hrvatskog društva za digestivnu kirurgiju, Opatija/Rijeka, 16-19 May 2007, Knjiga sažetaka :159.
  19. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulalić P, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S, Milanović A. How to solve complex groin hernia – is the modified Rives technique performed through direct inguinal approach a solution ? Second International Conference of Serbian and Romanian Surgeons, Kladovo 15-17 November 2007, Book of abstract :50-51.
  20. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulajić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S. The modified components separation technique – one stage solution for contaminated major midline and transrectal abdominal wall defects. 30 th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Sevilla, Spain, 7-10 May 2008, Abstract Book :101 (89).
  21. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulajić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I. Incisional hernia surgery as a day case procedure. 30 th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Sevilla, Spain, 7-10 May 2008, Abstract Book :315 (P202 87).
  22. Galun D, Milićević M, Bulajić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S Žuvela MGroin, umbilical, epigastric and spigelian hernias as a day case surgery. 30 th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Sevilla, Spain, 7-10 May 2008, Abstract Book :120 (88).
  23. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulajić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S. The modified components separation technique – a procedure of choice for contaminated major midline and transrectal abdominal wall defects. Rezumate Congresul Nationale de Chirurgie editia a XXIV-a, Romania, Eforie Nord 4-7 June 2008, Vol 103, Suplement 1:S133.
  24. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Bulajić P, Lekić N, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S. The modified components separation technique – a procedure of choice for contaminated major midline and transrectal abdominal wall defects. Rezumate Congresul Nationale de Chirurgie editia a XXIV-a, Romania, Eforie Nord 4-7 June 2008, Vol 103, Suplement 1:S133.
  25. Galun D, Milićević M, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Ražnatović Z, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S, Petrović M,Žuvela M. Is the Rives sublay repair a technique of choice in the management of major incisional hernias of any location? 3rd Romanian – Serbian Surgical Conference, Actualities and new frontiers in general surgery, Craiova 6-8 November 2008, Abstracts booklet: 23-24.
  26. Galun D, Žuvela M, Djurić-Stefanović A, Milićević M, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I. Spigelian hernia repair as a day case procedure.  4th Joint Hernia Meeting, Joint Meeting of the AHS and EHS, Berlin 9-12 September 2009, Hernia 2009;13/Suppl 1:P75:S97.
  27. Antić A, Žuvela M. Ramirez vs Rives sublay technique in treatment of large incisional midline hernias. 4th Serbian – Romanian Conference, Actualities and new frontiers in general surgery, Zrenjanin 18-20 November 2009, Book of abstract :68-69.
  28. Galun D, Djurić-Stefanović A, Milićević M, Bulajić P, Basarić D, palibrk I, barović S, Žuvela M.Ambulatory surgery of Spigelian hernias. 4th Serbian – Romanian Conference, Actualities and new frontiers in general surgery, Zrenjanin 18-20 November 2009, Book of abstract :70-71.
  29. Žuvela M, Galun D, Milićević M, Djurić-Stafenović A, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S.Simultaneous repair of hernias at different sites in ambulatory settings. 4th Serbian – Romanian Conference, Actualities and new frontiers in general surgery, Zrenjanin 18-20 November 2009, Book of abstract :71.
  30. Žuvela M, Galun D, Milićević M, Djurić-Stafenović A, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S.Simultaneous repair of hernias at different sites in ambulatory settings. 4th Serbian – Romanian Conference, Actualities and new frontiers in general surgery, Zrenjanin 18-20 November 2009, Book of abstract :71.
  31. Žuvela M, Galun D. Simultaneous repair two or more hernias at different sites in ambulatory conditions. VI.Congress of the Hungarian Association for Ambulatory Surgery & II Regional Meeting of the Group for Ambulatory Surgery in East and Central Europe, Budapest 15-17 April 2010, Book of abstract : 16.
  32. Galun D, Milićević M, Basarić D, Djurić-Stefanović A, Bulajić P, Žuvela MSurgical treatment of inguinodynia – Triple neurectomy. 32 nd International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Istanbul, Turkey 6-9 October 2010, Hernia 2010;14/Suppl 1:S23 (OP-31), Abstract Book.
  33. Galun D, Milićević M, Basarić D, Djurić-Stefanović A, Bulajić P, Žuvela MSurgical treatment of inguinodynia – Triple neurectomy. 32 nd International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Istanbul, Turkey 6-9 October 2010, Hernia 2010;14/Suppl 1:S23 (OP-31), Abstract Book.
  34. Galun D, Milićević M, Basarić D, Bulajić P, Palibrk I, Žuvela MAmbulatory surgery  of ventral and incisional hernias. 32 nd International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Istanbul, Turkey 6-9 October 2010, Hernia 2010;14/Suppl 1:S40-41 (OP-84), Abstract Book.
  35. Žuvela M, Galun D, Milićević M, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I. Possible solution for complex abdominal wall defects – various components separation techniques with or without nonresorbable mesh hernia repairs. 32 nd International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Istanbul, Turkey 6-9 October 2010, Hernia 2010;14/Suppl 1:S51-52 (ESP-14), Abstract Book.
  36. Galun D, Milićević M, Basarić D, Bulajić P, Palibrk I, Bogdanović A, Žuvela MSurgical therapy of inguinodinia – “tripple neurectomy”. 5-th Romanian-Serbian Surgical Conference, Timisoara, Romania, 25-26 November 2010, Abstract book : 27.
  37. Galun D, Milićević M, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Žuvela MDelayed and late mesh infections after inguinal hernia repair. 33 nd International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Ghent, Belgium 10-13 May, 2011, Hernia 2011;15/Suppl 2:S50 (P-040), Abstract Book.
  38. Antić A, Galun D, Žuvela MComponents separation technique, Maas modification vs Rives sublay technique in the treatment of large incisional midline hernias. 33 nd International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Ghent, Belgium 10-13 May, 2011, Hernia 2011;15/Suppl 2:S52 (P-047), Abstract Book.
  39. Antić A, Galun D, Žuvela MComponents separation technique, Maas modification vs Rives sublay technique in the treatment of large incisional midline hernias. 33 nd International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Ghent, Belgium 10-13 May, 2011, Hernia 2011;15/Suppl 2:S52 (P-047), Abstract Book.
  40. Bogdanović A, Galun D, Krivokapić Z, Žuvela MDelayed intestinal complications following Prolene Hernia System inguinal hernioplasty. Congresul National de Chirurgie, editia XXVI, 23-26 May 2012, Timisoara, Romania, Scientific Abstracts.
  41. Galun D, Milićević M, Palibrk I, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Bidžić N, Petrović M, Žuvela MAmbulatory surgery of abdominal wall hernias. Congresul National de Chirurgie, editia XXVI, 23-26 May 2012, Timisoara, Romania, Scientific Abstracts.
  42. Petrović J, Žuvela M, Bržogić J, Krivokapić Z. Surgical solution of an anterior abdominal wall and parastomal hernia after the complication of surgery with end colostomy – report of a case. 8thBiannual International Symposyium of Coloproctology, October 11-13, 2012. Belgrade, Serbia. Abstract book P 35.
  43. Žuvela M, Galun D, Milićević M, Basarić D, Bidžić N, Perović J. Ambulatory surgery of abdominal wall hernias. IAAS 10th International Congress on Ambulatory Surgery, Budapest, Hungary, 5-8 May, 2013. Abstract book P 87.
  44. Žuvela M, Galun D, Djurić-Stefanović A, Palibrk I, Petrović M, Milićević M. Central rupture and bulging of low-weight polypropylene mesh following incisional sublay hernioplasty. 35thInternational Congress of the European Hernia Society, Gdansk, Poland, May 12-15, 2013. Hernia 2013 17/Suppl 2 Abstract book  O65 S20-S21.
  45. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Palibrk I, Basarić D, Bogdanović A, Veličković J, Milenković M, Djukanović M, Bidžić N, Miljković B. Eventration – complex abdominal wall defect. 35thInternational Congress of the European Hernia Society, Gdansk, Poland, May 12-15, 2013. Hernia 2013 17/Suppl 2 Abstract book  O73 S23.
  46. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Palibrk I, Basarić D, Bogdanović A, Veličković J, Milenković M, Djukanović M, Bidžić N, Miljković B. Eventration – complex abdominal wall defect. 35thInternational Congress of the European Hernia Society, Gdansk, Poland, May 12-15, 2013. Hernia 2013 17/Suppl 2 Abstract book  O73 S23.
  47. Žuvela M, Galun D, Milićević M, Palibrk I, Basarić D, Bogdanović A, Veličković J, Nenadić B, Milenković M, Djukanović M, Bidžić N, miljković B, Hajdarević S. Surgery of ventral and incisional hernias – laparoscopic vs open approach ? 10th Congress of the Croatian Association of Digestive Surgery with international participation, Opatija/Rijeka, Croatia, June 12-15, 2013. Acta Chirurgica Croatica 2013 10/Suppl 1 Book of Abstracts : 23.
  48. Žuvela M, Galun D, Palibrk I, Veličković J, Nenadić B, Milenković M, Djukanović M, Bogdanović A, Bidžić N, Miljković B, Janjić N, Sumrak S, Jakovljević J, Milićević M. Inguinal eventration – Rives technique performed throught direct inguinal approach with or without components separation technique. 36th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 29-31, 2014. Hernia 2014 18/Suppl 2 Abstract book  O64 S47.
  49. Žuvela M. Ambulatory surgery of abdominal wall hernias – Ten years of experience. 36thInternational Congress of the European Hernia Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 29-31, 2014. Hernia 2014 18/Suppl 2 Abstract book P62 S78.
  50. Žuvela M, Galun D. Complex subcostal abdominal wall defect – Three variations of components separation technique combined in one procedure. 36th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 29-31, 2014. Hernia 2014 18/Suppl 2 Abstract book  P106 S95
  51. Žuvela M, Galun D, Palibrk I, Veličković J, Nenadić B, Milenković M, Djukanović M, Basarić D, Bogdanović A, Bidžić N, Miljković B, Janjić N, Sumrak S, Milićević M. How to prevent intraabdominal hypertension and postoperative compartment syndrome following incisional or ventral repair and acute wound bursting – Various techniques of components separation with mesh augmentation.36th International Congress of the European Hernia Society, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 29-31, 2014. Hernia 2014 18/Suppl 2 Abstract book  P136 S105.
  52. Žuvela M. Vaccuum assisted closure therapy –is it ideal solution for solving mesh infection following complex abdominal wall hernioplasty. IXth Romanian-Serbian Conference of Surgery, Sibiu, Romania, November 27-28, 2014. Abstracts volume P 90.
  53. Žuvela M, Galun D, Palibrk I, Bidžić N, Bogdanović A, Milićević M. Modiofied Rives technique performed through direct inguinal approach – last solution for most complex groin hernias.IXth Romanian-Serbian Conference of Surgery, Sibiu, Romania, November 27-28, 2014. Abstracts volume P 89.
  54. Petrović J, Marković V, Žuvela M, Krivokapić Z. Basic postulates of ambulatory surgery. IXth Romanian-Serbian Conference of Surgery, Sibiu, Romania, November 27-28, 2014. Abstracts volume P 69.


Abstracts published in proceedings from local conferences:

  1. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Petrović M.Modifikovana Rivesova tehnika u tretmanu kompleksnih preponskih kila. Zbornik rezimea radova I Kongresa herniologa Srbije i Crne Gore, Niška banja 29.09-01.10.2005:2.
  2. Žuvela M, Milićević M, Galun D, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Petrović M.Ambulantna hirurgija: umbilikalne, epigastrične i male incisione kile. Zbornik rezimea radova I Kongresa herniologa Srbije i Crne Gore, Niška banja 29.09-01.10.2005:9.
  3. Galun D, Milićević M, Ražnatović Z, Lekić N, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Petrović M, Žuvela M. Rives-ova tehnika (Sublay) u tretmanu velikih incisionih kila. Zbornik rezimea radova I Kongresa herniologa Srbije i Crne Gore, Niška banja 29.09-01.10.2005:38.
  4. Žuvela M, Galun D, Milićević M, Bulajić P, Basarić D, Palibrk I, Barović S, Djurić-Stefanović A. Various modifications of components separation technique in the treatment of complex  abdominal wall defects. Knjiga abstrakata II Kongresa herniologa Srbije, Niška banja 13-15 May 2010:12.
  5. Žuvela M, Galun D, Milićević M, Basarić D, Bulajić P, Palibrk I, Djurić-Stefanović A, Barović S.Ambulatory surgery of ventral and incisional hernias „The open preperitoneal flat mesh technique“ under local anesthesia. Knjiga abstrakata II Kongresa herniologa Srbije, Niška banja 13-15 May 2010:34.
  6. Basarić D, Milićević M, Galun D, Djurić-Stefanović ABulajić P, Palibrk I, Barović S Žuvela M. „A day case“ surgery of spigelian hernias. Knjiga abstrakata II Kongresa herniologa Srbije, Niška banja 13-15 May 2010:35.
  7. Antić A, Matić S, Bogdanović A, Žuvela M. Komparacije tehnike komponentne separacije i Rives-sublay tehnike u lečenju velikih nekontaminiranih defekata trbušnog zida. Knjiga abstrakata II Kongresa herniologa Srbije, Niška banja 13-15 May 2010:49.
  8. Djurić-Stefanović A, Šaranović Dj, Žuvela MThe accuracy of ultrasonography in classification of groin hernias according to the criterions of the unified classification system. Knjiga abstrakata II Kongresa herniologa Srbije, Niška banja 13-15 maj 2010:59.
  9. Žuvela M, Krivokapić Z, Marković V, Galun D. Rare late complications following PHS inguinal hernia repair. Knjiga abstrakata II Kongresa herniologa Srbije, Niška banja 13-15. May 2010:72.
  10. Galun D, Milićević M, Basarić D, Djurić-Stefanović A, Bulajić P, Palibrk I, Barović S, Žuvela M.Inguinodinioa – surgical treatment. Knjiga abstrakata II Kongresa herniologa Srbije, Niška banja 13-15. May 2010:79.
  11. Žuvela M, Abdula M, Stokuća K, randjelović G, Vardić S, Boćanin G, Blagojević M. Simultana reparacija 2 ili više kila različite lokalizacije u ambulantnim uslovima. Knjiga abstrakata II Kongresa herniologa Srbije, Niška banja 13-15. May 2010:101.



          12. Žuvela MKile trbušnog zida. Hirurgija, Udžbenik za studente medicine, Medicinski fakultet Beograd, CIBID 2008: 156-166.

Pozovi Kliniku